Friday, March 11, 2011

Pregnancy and post-partum care 懷孕及產後復原


1. 放鬆心情,消除面對人生重大轉變的緊張不安; 提振情緒,帶來正面感受,預防產前/產後憂鬱
2. 開闊胸腔、幫助呼吸順暢(懷孕期間因子宮擴張壓迫導致呼吸不順,是常有的困擾)
3. 溫和的以不影響神經系統(nervous system)的方式助眠
4. 溫和的以不影響生殖系統(re-productive system)的方式平衡荷爾蒙

佛手柑 (Bergamot)
藍膠尤加利 (Eucalyptus)
真正薰衣草 (True Lavender/lavender fine)
沒藥 (Myrrh)


1. 可使用調合的複方純精油來薰香或是泡澡 (加入5-10滴在浴缸中)
2. 在無香的乳液或是基底油中 (30 ml),加入5滴調合按摩於全身

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

[Exclusive for TW Customers] 花猴網友獨家優惠♥

Ally's AromaRemedies現在在台灣有三位銷售夥伴囉! 以下是提供給花猴的讀者的獨家優惠喔!


I. Vicki's shop:

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另外,折扣後滿4000元以上加送烏來雲頂溫泉行館泡湯卷1張(價值600元), 折扣後滿8000元加送2張, 以此類推~ 歡迎來信到Vicki 的信箱訂購

Phone: 0920305355

II. 元氣美人小舖:

5/31日前花猴的網友獨享Ally's AromaRemedies相關產品九五折優惠,
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III. May's 小舖:




欲與May's 小舖訂購者,請直接email給May詢問現貨及付款方式。

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Skin allergy on DOGS

In the article of "Dealing With Skin Sensitivity in Dogs" by Jen Syrkiewicz, there are a lot useful information shared.


Regularly Administer Essential Oils and Fatty Acids


Use Evening Primrose Oil to Strengthen Immunity


Steer Clear of Perfumed Shampoos, Over Bathing and Certain Flea Treatments
(避免人工香劑過多的洗毛精,過度的清潔也會讓狗狗皮膚失去油脂,少了天然的屏障,是不好的喔! 某些抗蚤噴劑/清潔劑,也會過度刺激敏感的狗狗皮膚。選擇適合的防蚤用品是非常重要的。)

Use Antihistamines Approved by Your Vet


Reduce Inflammation With Gentle Creams


Above information is very useful for a lot dog owners, especially in the allergy season. I personally prefer using some natural remedies on my pet.


Bucca is a 2 year old golden retriever. He occasionally suffers from skin allergy. I have been trying to limit his food ingredients, treats, exposure to dirt and other pollutants as much as I can for the past 2 years. I also tried to only use oatmeal shampoo when taking a bath for him. (which didn't work out that well!)


You know how bad they can smell when they are on a allergy outbreak because their skin and systems are under inflammation. However, over-shampoo could worsen the situation.


I did almost all I can for the above, except the anti-histamine. (I really don't want my dog relies too much on anti-histamine.)


After a lot trial and errors, I finally realized a lot so-called hypogenic shampoo and cream actually induce Bucca's allergy! He was very itchy the next day after shampoo.

(還好,在不斷嘗試錯誤的循環下,我終於發現其實他對於所謂的低過敏洗毛精,還是會過敏的! 找到兇手之後,就比較容易對症下藥了。)

Now I am using some interesting personal blending as shampoo. It soothes his itchness works out really fine to clean and deodorize.


Castile Soap (made from natural ingredients, vegetable oils rather than animal oil or synthetic substance.)

(Castile soap其實就是橄欖皂,但是要找的是純橄欖皂,是液體的。)

Hydrosols (I love to use Peppermint hydrosols because it is skin-cooling. Other like Rosemary, Lavender, Calendula and many more are also great!)

(花水! 對於皮膚的症狀真是萬能。我喜歡用的是薄荷花水,因為可以降溫,所以皮膚表層如果正在騷癢,薄荷花水是很好用的。其他如薰衣草、迷迭香、金盞花等花水也非常好。)

Essential oils: I use Lavender, Spike Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemon, German Chamomile


There isn't a strict recipe on using these ingredients. here is what you can refer to:

2 oz Castile Soap +
1 oz Hydrosol +
Lavender 5 drops + Spike Lavender 3 drops + Tea Tree 5 drops + Lemon 3 drops + German Chamomile 4 drops



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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Aromatherapy: Infant Massages

Great article by LMT, Brenda Stansfield!

Aromatherapy: Infant Massages

Brenda Stansfield is a licensed massage therapist, certified clincial aromatherapist and the creator of the Clear My Head product line, sold in spas nationally at She belives aromatherapy should be simple and easy to incorporate into a hectic lifestyle.

This weekend my sister welcomed another grandchild to her family. It’s been a long time since I held my own newborn son in my arms, but as I looked at the pictures of the newest addition to our family online, I began to think…"Is there anything more precious than a newborn baby?" "Is there anything more confusing to new parents?"
This time of wonder and discovery is the perfect time for parents to unlock the benefits of aromatherapy and infant massage. By incorporating touch with botanicals, you increase the bond between parent and child while simultaneously creating a healthy, relaxing environment for bot.

Aromatherapy can be safe for infants and children as long as a few guidelines are observed:

• Never apply oils full strength to the baby’s skin. Since babies have a smaller amount of resistive tissue, adult doses can be considered toxic. Be sure to dilute essential oils for babies and toddlers to ½ amount of the adult dose. This would be ¼ drop for every 3 drops in a standard blend. Since it is impossible to measure a ¼ of a drop, it is advisable to decrease the essential oil and increase the carrier oil or lotion. Remember, no where in aromatherapy is the ‘less is more’ approach more appropriate than here.

Safe essential oil choices for babies: lavender, chamomile and rose

Children are naturals with aromatherapy. The sweet and floral scents calm them almost instantaneously. Older children who no longer will tolerate a back rub from mom or dad will most assuredly indulge in a foot massage (especially after sports). All ages welcome the addition of essential oils in their bath tubs. Be sure to dilute these oils in an appropriate carrier oil according the recommendations below. Allow some flexibility to adjust the amounts if the child’s body size and weight is above or below average percentile for the child’s age. Your pediatrician can help you with this information.

Children: Factor age vs. body weight

5-8 years: 1/6th to 1/3rd the adult recommendation
8-12 years: 1/3th to ½ the adult recommendation
12-15 years: ½ to 2/3rd the adult recommendation

Safe essential oil choices for children: lavender, tea tree, German or Roman chamomile, tangerine, spearmint, rose, lemon, ravensara, eucalyptus and rosemary

• Avoid the following oils for use with all children unless instructed by a reliable text or a certified aromatherapist. All ‘spice oils’ such as clove, cinnamon, cassia, nutmeg, ginger and black pepper. Other oils which should not be used with children are pennyroyal, hyssops, rue and yarrow.

• Avoid citrus oils if your children are playing out of doors since they may increase photosensitivity.

• Use cold pressed, natural oils. Stay away from petroleum-, chemical- or mineral-based oils (such as baby oil). These oils interfere with the solubility of vitamins and minerals within the essential oils. An easy rule for oils is if you can eat it, you can use it. (Olive oil and grapeseed are wonderful.)

Photo by ::paqman::/Courtesy Flickr

As a licensed massage therapist and a certified infant massage instructor and practitioner, I recommend infant massage for building a bond with your baby. Infant massage is a path that will lead to a lifetime of good communication and closeness. Numerous studies show impressive benefits, such as significant neurological development and absorption of nutrients. Also, parents raise their confidence and sensitivity to meeting their babies’ needs, allowing them to respond appropriately to baby’s cues. The special time spent together can help promote longer and deeper sleep patterns, help relieve colic or gas and helps babies and children develop a positive body image. Your touch will help baby relax and release accumulated tension by decreasing the production of stress hormones.

How to give a rewarding infant massage (for you and baby):

• Make eye contact with baby. Watch baby’s expressions and note how your touch affects your child. Smile, sing and whisper to baby as you touch.

• Ask permission of your baby to touch each part. This simple act of respect also encourages verbalization and word associations for your baby and brings the art of a lifetime of communication into play.

• Use a gentle, but firm pressure when massaging. A confident touch is conveyed and baby’s sense of safety and love is reinforced.

Ready to begin? Enjoy the following formulas for baby.

To promote sleep patterns in well babies:

• 1 ½ ounce grapeseed essential oil
• 1 drop lavender essential oil
• 1 drop German chamomile essential oil

1. Mix ingredients together.

2. Use mix during massage OR use 1 teaspoon in your baby’s bath at night time when you want your child to fall asleep faster.

To allieviate gas and upset tummies:

• 1 drop fennel essential oil
• 3 ounces grapeseed essential oil

1. Mix ingredients together.

2. Apply mix to abdomen only. Use plain grapeseed for the remainder of a full body massage.

To open nasal passages:

Put a drop of eucalyptus oil on a night light or into a humidifier as baby sleeps. Never apply this oil directly to baby. An aromatic bath for baby can be made by substituting one drop eucalyptus or ravensara for the fennel in the above formula. Use 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the bath. Hold baby securely when bathing with oils.

So if you are lucky enough to be welcoming a new addition to your immediate or extended family, pass along this information. Family bonds begin early and the skills and communications in those formative years can be key to a confident child. Babies grow up too quickly, take the time now to be as present as possible. Learn and grow with your baby – and may you be ‘forever young’.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rose Bless You

I spent a whole afternoon blending essential oils. Yes, if there is one thing I'll never get bored with, that's about blending.

I was trying to decide the formula of my new synergy essential oil, "Rose Bless You". I had a few testing bottles labeled and I took them out at my front yard. I always like to get some fresh air so my chest is clear and my nose can do its work:)

With the nice and cool breeze in fall, I finally decide the formula of "Rose Bless You"!

There will be Rose Absolute, Rosewood, Geranium Rose and Frankincense in this magic small bottle! it will come with 5 ml and 10 ml bottles at your options. It is expensive because it cost so much to distill a single drop of rose essential oil.

The idea of this new synergy essential oil

(while we say Synergy Essential Oil @Ally's AromaRemedies, we meant we infuse several kinds of pure essential oils to make a new blend with the diverse energy of single essential oil. Synergy Essential Oil is 100% pure and needs proper dilution if applys directly on the skin.)

is trying to create a everyday blend for rose lovers to enjoy a little bit luxury of daily pampering but can still afford it.

Rose absolute and Geranium Rose contribute to the sweet and deep rose aroma. Rosewood strengthens the beautiful combination of the previous oils. Frankincense speaks for the name of this blend with a lot more blessings and it also works perfectly to extend the rosy scents.

As usual, I seal every bottle with love and passion. Wish this small bottle can bring a lot blessings and comfort to you as it always does to me.

Rose Bless You

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to Treat Asthma With Aromatherapy

The characteristic wheezing of asthma is made by the effort to push air through swollen, narrowed bronchial passages. During an asthma attack, stale air cannot be fully exhaled because the bronchioles are swollen and clogged with mucus, and thus less fresh air cannot be inhaled. The person gasps and labors for breath.

Allergic reactions to food, stress, and airborne allergens are the common causes of asthma. Allergies trigger production of histamine, which dilates blood vessels and constricts airways. Asthma sufferers fight an ongoing battle with such low-level congestion, which is actually an attempt by unhappy lungs to rid themselves of irritations.

Many aromatherapy books warn against using essential oils to treat asthma. Some asthmatics are sensitive to fragrance and find that it triggers their attacks. Although you certainly don't want to make the situation any worse, aromatherapy offers promising results when used judiciously.

The safest time for aromatherapy treatments is in-between attacks. Use a chest rub made from essential oils that have decongestive and antihistamine properties, such as peppermint and ginger. German chamomile, which contains chamazulene, is thought to actually prevent the release of histamine. Frankincense, marjoram, and rose encourage deep breathing and allow lungs to expand. To reduce bronchial spasms, use the relaxants: chamomile, lavender, rose, geranium, and marjoram.

A lavender steam can be used by some asthmatics even during an attack. The steam opens airways, while the lavender quickly relaxes lung spasms. This may halt the attack right in its tracks or at least make it less severe. As an added bonus, lavender also relaxes the mind, so it helps dissipate the panic you feel when you can't catch your breath.

If you find that steaming only makes it more difficult to breathe, use an aromatherapy diffuser or a humidifier instead. For babies and small children, put some very hot water in the bathtub, add several drops of lavender essential oil, and hold the child in your arms over the steam. You can also rub someone's feet with an aromatherapy massage oil.

Essential oils are not powerful enough to heal an asthmatic condition all by themselves. Herbs that repair lung damage and improve breathing are also needed, along with avoiding whatever sparks the allergic reaction. If this means stress, then other aromatherapy techniques such as massage, relaxation techniques, and fragrant baths can help you de-stress your life.

Essential oils for asthma: chamomile, eucalyptus (don't use during an attack), frankincense (deepens breathing, allows lungs to expand), geranium, ginger, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, rose

Aromatherapy Treatments for Asthma

Try the following recipes for asthma relief between attacks.

Asthma Inhalation Rub

6 drops lavender oil
4 drops geranium oil
1 drop marjoram oil
1 drop peppermint or ginger oil
1 ounce vegetable oil
Combine the ingredients. Rub on chest as needed, especially before bedtime. Because asthmatics can be extremely sensitive to scent, do a sniff test first. Test the formula by simply sniffing it to make sure there is no adverse reaction.

Essential Oil Steam

1/4 teaspoon eucalyptus oil

3 cups of water
Bring water to a simmer, turn off heat, and add essential oils. Set the pan where you can sit down next to it. Place your face over the steam and drape a towel over the back of your head to form a mini-sauna. Breathe in the steam, coming out for fresh air as needed. Do at least three rounds of steam inhalation several times a day. Fresh or dried eucalyptus leaves can be added to the water instead of the pure essential oil. You can replace the eucalyptus oil with other essential oils listed (such as lavender), except bay, clove, or thyme. Whichever essential oil you use, be sure to keep your eyes closed while steaming. It's okay to use this steam as often as you like.

To learn more about Aromatherapy and other alternative medicines, see:

Aromatherapy: Here you will learn about aromatherapy, how it works, what part essential oils play, and how to use aromatherapy.

Essential Oils Profiles: We have collected profiles of dozens of plants that are used to produce essential oils. On these pages, you will learn the properties and preparations for the most popular essential oils.

How to Treat Common Conditions With Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy can be used to treat a number of conditions, from asthma to depression to skin problems. Here you will learn how to treat some common medical problems with aromatherapy.

Home Remedies: We have gathered over a hundred safe, time-tested home remedies for treating a wide variety of medical complaints yoursel
Herbal Remedies: Herbal remedies and aromatherapy can be very similar, and they stem from similar historic roots. On this page, you will find all of our herb profiles and instructions for treating medical problems with herbal remedies.


Kathi Keville is director of the American Herb Association and editor of the American Herb Association Quarterly newsletter. A writer, photographer, consultant, and teacher specializing in aromatherapy and herbs for over 25 years, she has written several books, including Aromatherapy: The Complete Guide to the Healing Art and Pocket Guide to Aromatherapy, and has written over 150 articles for such magazines as New Age Journal, The Herb Companion, and New Herbal Remedies.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.

Keville, Kathi. "How to Treat Asthma With Aromatherapy." 25 April 2007. 24 September 2009.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fresh Lavender Hydrosols directly from organic farms!

I can't say enough about hydrosols. They are not essential oils and the real hydrosols don't have any oils in it. Hydrosols, also known as floral waters, hydroflorates, flower waters or distillates are products from steam distilling plant materials.

They are ideal for all skin problems, suitable for normal, oily to damaged skin. A very relaxing and soothing spray for am after-sun spreay and also good for a daily toner and after-shave spray.

Not like essential oils, hydrosols barely have any safety concerns. They are gentle enough for almost everyone, from babies to the elderly.

Now we are carrying Lavender Hydrosols. They are directly from the organic farms that grow lavender essential oils.

Check out while we are offering introduction discount! Lavender Hydrosol

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