Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Top 10 Essential Oils (in English and Chinese)

I came across this brief artical on NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy)website. Very useful for those who like to start collecting some essential oils but get lost in 100-200 essential oils selection!

Those oils are also what I usually recommend for aromatherapy beginners. They are everyday oils. They are not super expensive (except for Roman Chamomile. And their aromas are commonly loved/accepted by most people:)

1)Peppermint, Mentha piperita: Useful in treating headaches, muscle aches, digestive disorders such as slow digestion, indigestion, and flatulence.

Ally's comment: 薄荷,大家再熟悉不過的味道,屬於萬用的止痛精油,在對付頭痛、暈眩、消化不良等問題都直接有效。其中的薄荷腦成分,會刺激神經系統,故不適用於孕婦、高血壓者、以及癲癇患者。

For more information please read Peppermint, Mentha piperita by Dennis Willmont

2)Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus or Eucalyptus radiata : Helpful in treating respiratory problems, such as coughs, colds, and asthma. Also helps to boost the immune system, and relieve muscle tension.

Ally's comment: 尤加利精油,種類繁多,不過大致上都具有開闊胸腔,改善呼吸道系統疾病的功效,針對感冒、咳嗽、過敏、氣喘者,也有緩解的功效。然後氣喘者,需仔細觀察使用狀況,若反造成呼吸不順,需馬上停止使用。(極少數的案例為此)

For more information please read Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus by Dennis Willmont

3)Ylang Ylang, Cananga odorata : Helps one to relax, and can reduce muscle tension. Good antidepressant.

Ally's comment: 伊蘭精油,幫助放鬆、助眠,解除緊張的壓力。也用作抗憂鬱精油。

For more information please read Ylang Ylang, Cananga odorata by Dennis Willmont


4)Geranium Pelargonium graveolens : Helps to balance hormones in women, good for balancing the skin. Can be both relaxing and uplifting, as well as antidepressant.

Ally's comment: 天竺葵,可說是「經濟版的玫瑰精油」,和玫瑰精油一樣,具鬆有平衡荷爾蒙、滋養癒合皮膚,同時放鬆心情並提振情緒的精油,和伊蘭精油一樣,常在臨床芳療上被運用為抗憂鬱的精油。

For more information please read Geranium, Pelargonium graveolens by Dennis Willmont

5)Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia): Relaxing, and also useful in treating wounds, burns, and skin care.

Ally's comment: 真正薰衣草。當提到芳香療法,絕大多數人的第一印象,就是法國普羅旺斯的大片薰衣草田,跟紫色薰衣草的耀眼色澤與放鬆的香氣。

說薰衣草是精油之王絕不為過,取得容易,所以價格合理 (精油的單位價格往往跟產地的產量跟提煉的難易度直接相關,這就是為何玫瑰、茉莉、橙花等精油如此的昂貴。)運用在各種症狀、放鬆、助眠、消炎、消化問題、委靡與沮喪情緒、嚴重心理與身體創傷等,它的好處跟使用層面真是非常廣泛。

For more information please read Lavender, Lavendula angustifolia by David Crow, L.Ac.

Lavender(Lavandula vera) : Helps to balance hormones in women, good for balancing the skin. Can be both relaxing and uplifting, as well as antidepressant.

For more information please read Lavender, Lavendula vera by Dennis Willmont


6)Lemon, Citrus limon : Very uplifting, yet relaxing. Helpful in treating wounds, infections, and house cleaning and deodorizing.

Ally's comment: 檸檬精油,柑橘類,具有光敏性,易氧化,稀釋擦於皮膚上後,四小時內避免陽光直射,以免造成皮膚不適。抗菌消炎除臭效果強,是居家抗菌與提升免疫力的平價精油。
7)Clary Sage, Salvia sclarea: Natural pain killer, helpful s in treating muscular aches and pains. Very relaxing, and can help with insomnia. Also very helpful in balancing hormones.

Ally's comment: 快樂鼠尾草,止痛效果強,尤對於肌肉酸痛的症狀效果佳。也用於入睡障礙,可以平撫restless mind;平衡荷爾蒙。

8)Tea Tree, Melaleuca alternifolia : A natural anti fungal oil, good for treating all sorts of fungal infections including vaginal yeast infections, jock itch, athletes foot, and ringworm. Also helps to boost the immune system.

Ally's comment: 茶樹。天然的抗菌抗霉精油,可針對各式的發炎與黴菌感染,包括陰道發炎、香港腳等。也幫助提昇免疫系統。

9)Roman Chamomile, Anthemus nobilis : Very relaxing, and can help with sleeplessness and anxiety. Also good for muscle aches and tension. Useful in treating wounds and infection.

Ally's comment: 羅馬洋干菊。放鬆、鎮定。幫助睡眠障礙和情緒緊繃。對於肌肉疼痛與肌肉緊繃也有強效。非常安全的精油,連baby也可使用。
10)Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis: Very stimulating and uplifting, good to help mental stimulation as well as to stimulate the immune system. Very good for muscle aches and tension. Stimulating to the digestive system.

Ally's comment: 迷迭香。提振並刺激神經系統,可用於提振精神、增加專注力,並加強免疫系統抵抗力。

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