Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hand-crafted bag made exclusive for Ally's AromaRemedies

本文由Aroma Baby/Ally/艾莉/布卡麻 與 Mama Bear 聯合發佈

Who is Mama Bear?

Mama Bear是艾莉的好友兼玩伴,她是一個很忙碌的媽媽,除了要照顧忙碌的北鼻Katie外(which is a full-time job!),擠出來的閒暇的時間還要兼顧Kniting business跟研究遊戲攻略(*誤*)

Mama Bear有一雙巧手,和充滿創意的巧思,每一個手織的作品都是用愛編織的。


這次Mama Bear接受艾莉的請求&脅迫,為Ally's AromaRemedies (艾莉布卡芳療)量身打造了幾款的手織精油袋,限量30枚。 (本次活動僅限美國網友,台灣的網友們如果也喜歡的話,看下次Mama Bear能不能再接受脅迫一次再說囉:P)



When Crochet Meets Aromatherapy


每一種精油都是由大量的植物經過生長與提煉的過程而來,有的精油甚至要歷經30年之久(例如檀木),才能萃取出其中的精華, 萃取提煉過程又需要大量的人力。



也因此,艾莉與Mama Bear希望透過棉線與芳療的相遇,說一個單純熱愛手作、尊敬自然的故事,給大家更不一樣的療癒體驗。

Mama Bear's Exclusive Hand-crafted Bags for Ally's AromaRemedies--

<花梨木款手織袋>是30枚限量手織袋的"正常版",使用的就是這溫柔美麗的花梨木色混線,實品尺寸為3.5*5 inches (9*13 cm)

上圖為呈裝140ml 的按摩油的樣子,非常精巧可愛,旅行時這樣帶著實在很有面子,做SPA時這樣帶著心情就更好囉!(一個袋袋可以裝一款140ml的按摩油,也可以裝到3瓶的30 ml的小按摩油喔!)

(大家可能會問,要滴按摩油還是純精油呢?原則上沒有一定,只是看個人喜好囉。Ally's AromaRemedies的按摩油是以Jojoba Oil為基底油將醫療級純精油調製好的,所以是ready-to-use的按摩油,不需要稀釋;但是若是拿來薰香的話,就要拿純單方精油或是純複方精油來使用,精油的分子會很快的擴散,進入到我們的系統中。)

Mama Bear的巧思,雖都是"正常版"的手織袋,還是有小小的不同,

例如:葉子與球球的收線 vs. 花與葉的收線


右是花梨木版,左是小草莓版,是更粉嫩的Baby Pink。色系比較跳,比較亮眼。



Our Game Rule--

大正妹Honey的讀者,到8/2(2009)前,在 官網上購物都可以享有15% Off的折扣,coupon code是summerhoney,請記得輸入享有折扣喔!



親愛的北鼻們,艾莉一直強調Mama Bear手工的珍貴,所以只有限量30只袋袋喔。隱藏版小草莓的袋袋只有數只而已,所以很抱歉,不能讓大家自由替換喔。

隱藏版就是這樣才珍貴嘛 (*扭*)


按摩油用完了,別把袋袋丟了喔!還可以拿來當soap saver:

Mama Bear說當Soap saver的棉袋,可以用來當洗澡海綿的代替品喔!(艾莉按:就是說可以直接拿來嚕身體啦) 材質是全棉,可以手洗或機器洗,溫和的清潔並呵護肌膚。Crochet的特殊織法,還可以溫和的去除身體角質,很棒吧。


1. 裝按摩油
2. 當化妝包
3. 裝相機 (我的小傻瓜SONY剛剛好)
4. 名片袋 (我真的沒有在開玩笑)
5. Soap saver (就是我說的嚕身體的XD)
6. 手機袋 (iPhone剛剛好, iPod家族一定愛)
7. 香芬袋 (可以在裡面裝薰衣草或是其他herb,掛車上或是衣櫥都很讚)

A: 請大家到艾莉的partner May那邊看存貨狀況喔

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Does your dog dread July 4th?


Did you have a good July 4th long weekend? How about your dog(s)?

Sometimes it is unavoidable for our companion animals to expose to loud environment, such as the big lousy day, July 4th.

A good article sharing using differenct naturaly remedies to calm your beloved animals at home:

"Here are some natural remedies that might help your dog overcome, or at least deal sufficiently with the noise not to be traumatized too badly.

Aromatherapy in the form of essential oils. There are many scents that induce a sense of peace and calm in dogs, however, some animals are overly sensitive to oils and a skin test should be performed before introducing any new oil to your pet. The following oils are knowns to reduce stress, anxiety and fear in animals. They may be used in any combination by direct contact to the pads of the feet or used in a diffuser:

Chamomile, lavender, geranium, marjoram, bergamot, frankincense, neroli, and sandalwood, vervain and valerian. "

There are a lot more pure essential oils are suitable for animals' needs. However, using oils on animals require a lot of caution since they are more sensitive to the aroma and the MORE sensitive to the biochemicals in the oils than humans.

Be careful to AVOID high phenol oils, such as Oregano, Clove, Thyme, Cinnamon, Mountain Savory, Tarragon, on cats because they can be extremely sensitive to these stronger oils.

And the dilution and usage amount should vary from small animal (small dogs and cats) to large animal (large dogs, sometimes applies to horses and cattles)

If you try to google "aromatheapy on animals", you can find a lot of so-called 'guidelines' instructing application techniques, dosage, even internal usage and many more!

But let's shift our focus back to calming our animals in a natural and healthy way.

1. Choose right oils: it's always a fun experiment to see how your animals react to certain oils. The above recommended oil list is good to start with. (Chamomile, lavender, geranium, marjoram, bergamot, frankincense, neroli, and sandalwood, vervain and valerian)

2. Dilution/Usage: I will recommend to AVOID neat application in treating anxiety issue. Some said it's okay to use 3-5 drops pure essential oils (of course with careful selection of the oil type) after skin test or simply apply on their paws. However, remember that they are SENSITIVE, especially when they are under a lot of pressure. My personal recommendation is --always diluted, keep the dilution under 3%.

3. Make a spray or diffuse oils: 10-15 drops in a 1 oz (30 ml) bottle to spray around your animals (not to their face/eyes) or simply use your diffusers.

If your animal loves it, you'll know:) If your animal is jittery or resists, never reinforce the application. They know themselves better than we do!

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